Tihi rad vanjske jedinice
Niža razina buke
Način djelovanja: Inverterski
Rashladna snaga: 3500 W
Snaga zagrijavanja: 4200 W
Širina proizvoda: 810 mm
Visina proizvoda: 585 mm
Dubina proizvoda: 280 mm
Šifra proizvoda: 20009639
Niža razina buke
Green and Safe refrigerant
Low Temperature Protection
Low Temperature Protection
Tihi rad vanjske jedinice
Niža razina buke
Hisense tehnologija smanjuje razinu buke vanjske jedinice za 5dB tokom rada na niskim frekvencijama.
Energy saving, low carbon and environment friendly
Green and Safe refrigerant
The R32 is environment-friendly refrigerant with a higher cooling capacity at the same volume, thus lessrefrigerant is needed in every device. Advantages of R32 refrigerant are: zero impact on ozone in the air, 66% lower GWP (impact on global warming) than gas R410A, higher energy efficiency, high thermal conductivity and cooling capacity.
Low Temperature Protection
In low temperatures, bottom E-heater in the outdoor unit prevents freezing of the compressor & refrigerant and maintain good performance of air conditioner
Bottom E-heater
Low Temperature Protection
In low temperatures, bottom E-heater in the outdoor unit prevents freezing of the compressor & refrigerant and maintain good performance of air conditioner
Grijanje vanjske jedinice
Pogodno za hladnu zimu
Pri niskim temperaturama, okruženjima s visokom vlagom, vanjske šasije se lako smrzavaju, što utječe na rad klima uređaja ili čak na oštećenja. Korištenje električnog remena za grijanje jedinice može spriječiti smrzavanje, održavati dobre performanse klima uređaja.
Grijanje na -22℃
Da vam više nikad nije hladno
Klima uređaj može normalno grijati čak i kada je vanjska temperatura -22℃
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